Destiny 2: The Final Shape Review

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    Destiny 2: The Final Shape is the latest installment of Destiny 2 and a true reward for longtime veterans of the franchise. Released in June of 2024, this latest expansion of content has been billed as the climax of a decade of narrative that began with the “Light and Darkness Saga” in “Destiny.” Fittingly, Canadian-American actor Nathan Fillion will be returning to the game’s cast to reprise the dialogue of franchise icon Cayde-6.

    This installment’s narrative continues where 2023’s Lightfall ended. For those unfamiliar, Lightfall’s story concluded with the grand antagonist known as The Witness opening a gateway along the surface of the spherical entity known as The Traveler and fleeing within. The Final Shape has players going through this portal and exploring an area known as Pale Heart. Much like any other Destiny experience, you and your friends will play as Guardians in story missions, whose narratives were written by Alison Lührs, in both PVE and PVP content, three-player “strikes” and dungeons, and/or raids that require six players to enter. Notably, a new raid will be added to the game on June 7 that involves the Witness’ monolith within the Pale Heart and two more dungeons will be unveiled through the later episodic releases within this expansion.

    destiny 2 the final shape game

    Destiny 2: The Final Shape Release

    Release Date: June 4, 2024
    Platforms: PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S

    destiny 2 the final shape battle
    For a greater overview of what can be expected in this new release of a storied game series, consider these points.

    The Dread are a new class of enemies who serve as the Witness’ personal army.

    The batty “Grims” who fly about to hassle Guardians in the air and have a debilitating scream attack.
    Erratic blade-wielding “Husks” who can fire off a seeking Geist upon their defeat.
    “Attendants” and “Weavers” are psions who favor the Stasis and Strand powers, respectively.
    Lanky bipedal “Omens” and “Harbingers” know of the Attendants and Weavers and decided to copy their homework while wielding glaives.
    Lastly, Tormentors will be returning from their introduction in the last expansion.

    There are new Light-side supers for each Guardian class.

    “Sentinel Titans” gain “Twilight Arsenal,” allowing them to throw a trio of Void axes that can also be used by other players.
    “Dawnblade Warlocks” can use “Song of Flame” to supercharge their melee and grenade attacks.
    “Arcstride Hunters” can mimic “Final Fantasy XV’s” Prince Noctis by using “Storm’s Edge” to hurl a dagger at an enemy cluster, then teleport to the dagger for a follow-up spin attack.

    While the franchise has greatly emphasized light and darkness as power sources, The Final Shape’s new “Prismatic” subclass allows a player to freely combine abilities and supers from the other subclasses. The main mechanic of the Prismatic subclass is two meters that charge from using Light and Darkness powers on enemies; once both meters fill, the Prismatic can unleash “Transcendence” to power up melee, grenade regeneration, damage resistance, and weapon damage. Transcendence also grants hybrid-element grenades based on class. Lastly, Prismatics will have a greater number of slots for modular Aspects and Fragments than other subclasses.