Saturday, February 22, 2025
HomePS5Biomutant Review

Biomutant Review

If the sound of playing as an anthropomorphic creature in a post-apocalyptic world appeals to you, look no further than Biomutant. The game offers a third person perspective blended with a solid dose of RPG mechanics. We’re talking stat growth, martial arts, gun and sword play, leveling up and weapon crafting.

biomutant lightning

Biomutant Visuals

Aside from the cute anthropomorphic character we play as, the game as a lot of charm with its graphics. The game sends the player to all sorts of different venues. A vibrant forest, an underwater level, ruins with rays of light bursting through the torn ceiling and rocky plateaus with a myriad of pretty colors.

The game was developed on the Unreal Engine 4, which leads to the excellent attention to detail when it comes to rendering shadows and vibrant colors.

There are several nifty stylistics choices that meld into the gameplay. The player can see the damage inflicted on enemies through numbers that pop off them when hit. Another stylistic choice will remind gamers of a comic book. Sounds effects get their own special box of text that’ll occasionally protrude from weapons when reloading or an enemy when injured.

biomutant machine

Biomutant Gameplay

Combat is a nifty blend of melee and gun fighting. Depending on the character build, the player will have access to mutant abilities as well. Some levels even have the player pilot mech-suits.

Crafting is the main feature to be excited about in the game. There are many opportunities to harvest resources to make new weapons. Find a weapon you don’t like? Scrap it for parts to make a better weapon.

The awesome thing about the customization is the weapon choice feeds into a lot of stats. Armor piercing, critical hit chance, fire rate and even reload speed. The player simply picks a base for their weapon and modifies it with addons that determine how well those stats increase.

Another nifty feature with crafting is how additional effects can be either applied to the weapon or the player character’s stats. So experimenting with the pickups is highly recommended for a satisfactory gameplay experience.

Progression is non-linear, as the game has an open world setup. The world can be traveled through a variety of different modes. We have the standard foot mode, air travel and mech.
Another useful feature is ally recruitment. The chosen ally can impact how the story unfolds, as well as unlock additional quests.

biomutant beast

Biomutant Story

Humans do not inhabit the world of Biomutant. Everything you encounter will be a creature of some sort. Some are intelligent and ally with the player. Other characters provide quests.

The medium used to tell the story is through a narrator. Player choices naturally effect the direction the narrator will go in their oration of the events.

biomutant review

Biomutant Verdict

The developers undoubtedly had a creative vision in mind for this title. RPG mechanics blended with gun play, mutations and martial arts make for a unique, but satisfying experience. Check out Biomutant on Xbox Series X or PS5.


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