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HomeConsole Game StuffHow to Beat the Tinkerer in Spider-Man Miles Morales (Final Battle in...

How to Beat the Tinkerer in Spider-Man Miles Morales (Final Battle in Story)

To defeat the Tinkerer, you will first get a chance to battle The Tinkerer with your regular fighting abilities. The Tinkerer doesn’t put up a main fight in the first bout. In the second bout, the Tinkerer breaks out a tougher battle, with a canon that can reduce your health points significantly if not avoided. Finally in the third bout with the Tinkerer, you face a tough battle with a turret, missiles, canon shots and mines that while seems easy will leave you replaying the battle if you do not know what is coming.

spiderman how to defeat the tinkerer ps5 strategy tips

Attacking Strategy on Hard to beat the Tinkerer

How to Beat the Tinkerer may require a few tries and may drive you to look up this answer on Console Game Stuff. It comes down to 5 main attacks and moves to defeat the Tinkerer. The Third bout against the Tinkerer, is the hardest and a reason for this strategy guide. Here is everything you need to know.

Perfect Dodge from Missiles

In the the 3rd bout, the Tinkerer will launch mines, a turret and missiles all in the same motion. Perfect Dodging the missiles, a blast canon, an electric chain that binds you while avoiding the mines will be key to avoiding significant lost of health.

Destroying the Power Turret While Dodging incoming Missiles

Once the Turret is Activated, The Tinkerer will always shoot missiles at you. Make sure you are far enough to dodge or throw the turret at the Tinkerer to stun them. Once stunned, that’s the best time to attack

Holo Drone and Remote Mine Will Also Stun The Tinkerer

Using holo drone or remote mine can help stun the Tinkerer as well. However, in most cases you will sacrifice health with a hit to get off the remote mine.

Once Stunned Use Venom Punch, Venom Smash or Venom Dash on The Tinkerer

Remember once stunned unleash you Venom attack. I’d use with the venom punch, venom dash or venom smash following up with volley attack to refill your venom bar. Remember, during the battle you will have to decide to use a venom attack or heal yourself. Keep track of your health bar.

Don’t Go Stealth

Once you go Stealth in the game, the Tinkerer use a scan to remove your stealth, stunning you. Not worth implementing unless you are trying to buy a second of gameplay time.


Video of How to Beat the Tinkerer in Spider-Man Miles Morales


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